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Feeling confident and at home, wherever you are.


The hardest part about being an Expat Spouse IS NOT understanding your new culture, learning a language, or even finding a job, although these are not easy tasks.

The hardest part is our inner life - losing our identity, lacking direction, rebuilding our support network and adapting to staggering change which comes with any expat move  - all the while feeling ungrateful because we know how fortunate we are.

I've been there, I understand.



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Coach, Speaker, Author

As an expat  I’ve had highs and lows, but one thing is sure: Life was never boring.


The friendships I’ve forged and the memories I’ve made are truly beyond my wildest dreams.  Having said that, there’ve been times where it all felt too hard. I’ve learned that if you give it time, it will pass and life will open up to you again. Sometimes just a small change of perspective is all it takes.

I now dedicate my coaching and writing to helping expat spouses find their footing in this crazy new world.  Because really, once you get the hang of it, you too can become

A Happy Expat.

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Tanya Arler
A Happy Expat

Coffee with Tanya

Answers to some FAQs heard over coffee


How do I handle packing our 'old' home, managing our temporary home, and  organising our new home...


When people ask me what I do, my confidence disappears and I don't know what to say.


My child is struggling to adapt, how can I support him/her?


This isn't turning out the way I planned, how do I get on track?

I have felt inadequate, lonely, questioned my parenting, sunk deep, doubted myself, and didn't have anyone to talk to when times zones weren't in my favor... Eight times.


Now I am here to help.




A guide to life as an expat spouse

Drawing from my experience as a mindset coach and my own personal journey, I wrote this practical guide, offering straight-forward answers to the most common dilemmas we expat spouses face.

This pick-me-up and put-me-down book was written for that busy new expat spouse on the run that needs answers and needs them fast...  YOU.

People I've Worked With

Natacha H

...eliminates the pressure...


Your guide is GREAT! I love the 10 realities – the whole book eliminates the pressure to feel everything is perfect and I’m not allowed to have bad days. There is a lot of wisdom in here.

Michelle V I feel isn't wrong...


Tanya brings a wealth of knowledge.  She breaks down the emotional rollercoaster ride we are on and gives us tools to embrace the journey.

Alex M

...mandatory for new expats...


Even as a seasoned expat I had so many new 'aha' moments and learned so much from Tanya.  Her talk should be mandatory for every expat spouse.

Looking For More?

​I'd love to connect in other ways


Download my FREE ebook

A HAPPY EXPAT - A quick guide

Get insight into my 3 mindset pillars for happy expat living, Attitude, Expectation and Identity, and a list of the top 10 realities as life as an expat spouse.


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